After strong protests, Oklahoma Senate leaders decided Monday to shelve a bill to allow military veterans and others with firearms training to carry concealed weapons on college campuses.
University presidents, faculty members and students had loudly opposed the measure, which sponsors said would improve campus security. Educators said it would have the opposite effect.
University of Oklahoma President David Boren had argued the bill would hurt recruitment of students and faculty. It also would pose a dilemma for police trying to determine whether a person wielding a weapon was a "deranged gunman or someone who thinks he is doing good vigilante work."
Well, yeah. Besides, how are you going to be considered as a potential Bloomberg running mate if you don't view self defense as "vigilante work"? And as long as we can keep our recruitment efforts unsullied by icky guns, we can always get fresh bloo...uhh, replaceme...uhh, new students and faculty.
But don't worry, Okies--particularly those of you who can demonstrate training, dicipline and a track record in proper firearms use. If any school shooters do show up on one of your campuses, David Boren'll stop 'em. He or one of those "university presidents, faculty members and students" who presume authority and competence to make such choices for you.