Judge Marvin Arrington insists he's not a racist; despite ordering white lawyers out of his courtroom on Thursday.No, of course you're not racist, judge. You just believe in "separate but equal," right?
"...I practiced law for 30 years and 75 percent of my partners were white," he explained.
Hey, some of my best friends are...uh...
If I had been in his courtroom, I'd have defied the order. If he'd had me removed or cited for contempt, I'd look forward to a lucrative settlement.
Tell me if a white judge had done this to black attorneys the race hustlers wouldn't be all over this like...uh...white on rice. Tell me the media wouldn't put it front and center, with the intent to sensationalize and use it as a catalyst to prompt nationwide outrage, and maybe even bigger stories. Hell, tell me the "Justice Department" wouldn't have a squad of "civil rights" enforcers on the next plane out.
Just like they would if other fundamental rights were being infringed, right?