“Sen. Obama will be a strong voice an unabashed voice for America's hunters and shooters and it is with great pleasure that we endorse his candidacy,” President of the Association Ray Schoenke said, citing Obama’s commitment to the traditions of gun ownership.Yeah, the moles at AHSA are a "gun group" alright. And ain't nobody our friend like Thulsa.
Check out this outstanding bit of nonsensical weasel-wording and misdirection:
“I’m not sure I think in talking with the campaign that Senator Obama has not taken a position on the DC gun ban case,” but said that they were conformable enough with his position that he supports individual rights under the 2nd amendments to endorse him.Good grief, Ray, did you wake up one morning and say to yourself "I want to be a worm-tongued putz," or is this something you've been working on for a lifetime?
To WarOnGuns readers, I hope you don't just keep stuff like this to yourself. I hope you warn other gun owners about this Fifth Column in the gun rights movement. I hope if their representatives show up at ranges or gun shows to recruit (do they do that, or even have any "regular" members who aren't part of their subversive little cabal?) that you have the facts (you clicked on the "AHSA" link, right?) to expose them for what they are to any who will listen.