It's listed in yesterday's The Wall Street Journal:
Page 8 under legal notices. All claims for property must be made by May 25th or the property will be disposed of according to ..... . Has hundreds of guns listed - machine guns, everything. Bastards at BATFE.
Edit link to scanned page - 450KB TIF File. In middle of page and then continues at the next column. You can zoom in to see detail.
Link to scanned pageThe photo presented above is just a screenshot to show you where the inventory begins. Go to the scanned page link to get a copy you can enlarge and read.
This is extremely frustrating to cover because of the limited statements mandated by Cavalry Arms' attorneys, although imagine the frustration they are going through. How in the world is BATFU able to legally take and dispose of property without a judgment? I understand seizures for evidence, but this is outside of anything I have ever seen, and I welcome comments from those with an understanding of the "Always Think Forfeiture" process.
They couldn't be more "in your face" to the entire gun owner community about this if they tried, and we need to view this latest with two things in mind:
1. This is all happening on the watch and under the authority of "
This is extremely frustrating to cover because of the limited statements mandated by Cavalry Arms' attorneys, although imagine the frustration they are going through. How in the world is BATFU able to legally take and dispose of property without a judgment? I understand seizures for evidence, but this is outside of anything I have ever seen, and I welcome comments from those with an understanding of the "Always Think Forfeiture" process.
They couldn't be more "in your face" to the entire gun owner community about this if they tried, and we need to view this latest with two things in mind:
1. This is all happening on the watch and under the authority of "
This is extremely frustrating to cover because of the limited statements mandated by Cavalry Arms' attorneys, although imagine the frustration they are going through. How in the world is BATFU able to legally take and dispose of property without a judgment? I understand seizures for evidence, but this is outside of anything I have ever seen, and I welcome comments from those with an understanding of the "Always Think Forfeiture" process.
They couldn't be more "in your face" to the entire gun owner community about this if they tried, and we need to view this latest with two things in mind:
1. This is all happening on the watch and under the authority of "The Vote Freedom First President," who gun owners put in power.
2. This is all happening at the direction of "Maximum Mike" Sullivan, and those of us who have not written our senators telling them we expect his confirmation to be opposed are not holding up our end of things.
UPDATE: Jed has good commentary on this.
They couldn't be more "in your face" to the entire gun owner community about this if they tried, and we need to view this latest with two things in mind:
1. This is all happening on the watch and under the authority of "The Vote Freedom First President," who gun owners put in power.
2. This is all happening at the direction of "Maximum Mike" Sullivan, and those of us who have not written our senators telling them we expect his confirmation to be opposed are not holding up our end of things.
UPDATE: Jed has good commentary on this.