After eluding law enforcement for a week, the former Jackson cop accused of robbing a downtown credit union last week has been arrested...
Epps was a six-year burglary detective and former president of the police officers union before being fired in 1999 after he tested positive for cocaine use.Yeah, sure, "It is a testament to the scourge of crack cocaine in our society."
Right--it's the substance's fault. Just like violent crime is the gun's fault. I know--let's throw more resources at the War on Drugs<
Right--it's the substance's fault. Just like violent crime is the gun's fault. I know--let's throw more resources at the War on Drugs<
Right--it's the substance's fault. Just like violent crime is the gun's fault. I know--let's throw more resources at the War on Drugs--that'll make everything right!
That's the ticket--more "Only Ones." Only incorruptible ones this time.
[Via Stephen S]
That's the ticket--more "Only Ones." Only incorruptible ones this time.
[Via Stephen S]