3 British Soldiers Killed in Suicide Attack in Afghanistan -- Voice Of America
Afghan toll for U.K. at 100: Gordon Brown says troops did not die in vain -- Times Online
British death toll in Afghanistan reaches 100 -- Independnet
Troops will stay in Afghanistan, says Gordon Brown -- Telegraph
Troops who hoped they would not fire a shot mourn 100th comrade -- Guardian
Afghan aid ineffective, inefficient, watchdog says -- Reuters
Pakistani Village Trapped Between Lethal Forces -- Newsweek
Iraqi Sheik Offers To Take Fight to Bin Laden: Hero of Anbar Would Stir a Revolt in Afghanistan -- New York Sun
Five Afghan police killed in new attacks -- Yahoo News
Laura Bush's Secret Afghanistan Trip -- CBS News
Previous Post: US Think Tank: Pakistan Helped Train Taliban, Gave Info On US Troops
My Comment: The Rand Corporation's report is one of many reports that now detail Pakistan's direct involvement in the support of the Taliban. As long as the "sanctuaries" exist, there will never be peace in Afghanistan .... or even Pakistan.