For all his worrying about the inhumanity of lethal injections, he's strangely silent on communist executions.
Naturally he's an establishment democrat.
And a rewarder of criminals (how does a felon qualify to be a bailiff?)
And it's not just white collar criminals coddled by Judge Burge: guys who beat their wives in the head with a hammer and hold them at gunpoint also qualify.
Let's see what else:
Naturally he's an establishment democrat.
And a rewarder of criminals (how does a felon qualify to be a bailiff?)
And it's not just white collar criminals coddled by Judge Burge: guys who beat their wives in the head with a hammer and hold them at gunpoint also qualify.
Let's see what else:
He gave probation to former Elyria councilman Joseph Monteleone, who was convicted of touching the buttocks of three teenage girls and twice asking a 15 year-old girl for sex...
Burge acquitted James P. Smith, a Lorain man who admitted to whipping his son on the back with a belt, of domestic
And it's not just white collar criminals coddled by Judge Burge: guys who beat their wives in the head with a hammer and hold them at gunpoint also qualify.
Let's see what else:
By a landslide.
I'd say this is a pretty good microcosm of what we can expect when you combine democracy with a feelings-based electorate and then give them a Lightworker to illuminate the way...
[Via JJ]
Let's see what else:
He gave probation to former Elyria councilman Joseph Monteleone, who was convicted of touching the buttocks of three teenage girls and twice asking a 15 year-old girl for sex...How does a creature like this come into power?
Burge acquitted James P. Smith, a Lorain man who admitted to whipping his son on the back with a belt, of domestic violence and endangering children charges...
By a landslide.
I'd say this is a pretty good microcosm of what we can expect when you combine democracy with a feelings-based electorate and then give them a Lightworker to illuminate the way...
[Via JJ]