From the Danger Room:
The world's most notorious nuclear smuggler may be even more of a monster than we thought.
A.Q. Khan -- the father of Pakistan's A-bomb -- pimped nuclear gear and expertise all over the world. He even gave Libya the designs for a bulky, crude atomic weapon. But the blueprints recently revealed to be on the hard drive of Khan's Swiss partners could be "far more troubling" than these previous sales, the Washington Post reports. Because the plans provide "instructions for building a compact device," which "might allow for delivery by ballistic missile."
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News From Other Sources:
Terrorists May Have N-Bomb Schematics -- Homeland Security Today
A U.N. Khan Job -- Investor's Business Daily
Did rogue network leak nuclear bomb design? -- Christian Science Monitor
Pakistan's Khan denies he's source of weapon design -- Reuters
My Comment: When the plans and blueprints for your country's nuclear weapon systems are on the hide drive of your business associates .... well .... if it walks like a duck, squacks like a duck .... it is a duck.
If a nuclear weapon system is detonated in a city, and it is found that the blueprints to detonate this bomb came from him .... a war crimes trial for crimes against humanity will be too light for him.