From Time Magazine:
(WASHINGTON) — U.S. plans for a missile defense system in Europe could be delayed well beyond the 2013 target because Defense Department experts say the interceptors have not been adequately tested.
Administration officials had initially disregarded the findings and reassured lawmakers the system to shoot incoming missiles out of the sky would work. But with Congress now poised to require additional tests, the department has reversed itself and is planning three trial interceptor launches — a process that could take years.
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Additional News Sources On The U.S. Missile Defense Delay
Testing could delay missile defense plans -- AP
Lavrov Urges Delay on Missile Defense -- Moscow Times
My Comment: Some people are not confident that the system is capable of shooting down missiles. If the Pentagon is successful in the next three tests, this program will be quickly implemented. If there is a failure ..... more testing, and more R&D will be necessary.