Times of London: Muslim radicals are giving up on terrorism.
Washington Post: A new generation of terrorists rises.
Washington Post: A new generation of terrorists rises.
Who’s right?
From The Times of London:
An article published recently in The New Republic, the American journal, by Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank – both respected experts on terrorism – outlined a radical change in thinking on Al-Qaeda’s strategy among some of the most respected thinkers in the Islamist world.
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From The Washington Post:
We are fighting the wrong foe. Over the past six years, the nature of the international Islamist terrorist threat to the West has changed dramatically, but Western governments are still fighting the last war — set up to fight an old al-Qaeda that is now largely contained. Unless we understand this sea change, we will not be able to ward off the new menace.
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My Comment: They are both right. Radical Islam has given nothing to their followers for the past 7 years, and their support is decrceasing. But the generation of children born in the West from parents who immigrated from the Middle East are becoming very radicalized, rejecting what their parents struggled to get.