From Westhawk (Hat Tip Small Wars Journal):
Robert Gates has been Secretary of Defense for about 18 months. During that time he has fired the Secretary of the Army, declined to reappoint the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, fired the Commander of Centcom, and fired the Secretary of the Air Force and the Air Force Chief of Staff. There are likely a few other notable executive service-level civilians and flag officers I have neglected to mention who have met Mr. Gates’s axe.
Might Mr. Gates’s next blows land on the Navy? Those who follow defense issues know about the deep problems the Navy has with its acquisition programs, particularly for surface combatants. The Navy is trying to plan for the replacement of its frigate, destroyer, and cruiser fleets. Unfortunately, the programs designed to accomplish these recapitalizations have all gone badly awry.
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My Comment: When Don Rumsfeld was appointed Secretary of Defense in 2001, he made it clear that his priority was to transform the U.S. military into a 21rst century fighting force. I recall at the time that the conversation among pundits was that even with his background and determination, it would be very difficult to transform the culture of the Defense establishment into what he wanted.
Seven years later, with wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war on terror, and dangers from rogue countries like North Kora and Iran .... it has taken someone else to finally push the Arm Forces to this next level.
Will he put the axe to the Navy .... I am not an expert in Pentagon politics, but if history is any indication I would bet that he is lining his ducks up.