Twice convicted of felonies, James Francis Barton Jr. faces charges of violating a federal law barring felons from owning guns after police found seven pistols, three shotguns, and five rifles at his home south of Pittsburgh.
As a defense, Barton and several other defendants in federal gun cases argue that last month's Supreme Court ruling allows them to keep loaded handguns at home for self-defense.
I've made my position on this clear for years--anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. But this isn't about that--and I will address it in a post next week--or even about more appropriate sentencing.
I can't help but wonder if some on the side of the Enemy want
I've made my position on this clear for years--anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. But this isn't about that--and I will address it in a post next week--or even about more appropriate sentencing.
I can't help but wonder if some on the side of the Enemy want
I've made my position on this clear for years--anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian. But this isn't about that--and I will address it in a post next week--or even about more appropriate sentencing.
I can't help but wonder if some on the side of the Enemy want to bring forth cases they know they'll lose--damage control so post-Heller limitation precedents can be established.
Probably just me being paranoid.
I can't help but wonder if some on the side of the Enemy want to bring forth cases they know they'll lose--damage control so post-Heller limitation precedents can be established.
Probably just me being paranoid.