From The New York Post:
No one should feel safe without submitting to Islam, and those who refuse to submit must pay a high price. The Islam ist movement must aim to turn the world into a series of "wildernesses" where only those under jihadi rule enjoy security.
These are some of the ideas developed by al Qaeda's chief theoretician, Sheik Abu-Bakar Naji, in his new book "Governance in the Wilderness" (Edarat al-Wahsh).
Middle East analysts think that the book may indicate a major change of strategy by the disparate groups that use al Qaeda as a brand name.
The Saudi police seized copies of the book last week as they arrested 700 alleged terrorists in overnight raids.
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More News On Al Qaeda:
Officials: Hunt For Al Qaeda Ineffective -- CBS News
White House says terror attack might loom -- UPI
White House backs Lieberman’s warning of attack -- The Hill
My Comment: Al Qaeda gives (accurately) the impression that they will never give up. For some reason .... and I hope that I am wrong .... this has the makings of a hundred year conflict.