Scroll down and click on the cartoon for 7/21/2008 to see a pretty accurate depiction of what the DC government wants citizens to be faced with in the event of being attacked.
It's been noted that registration has been slow, a mere trickle. Some attribute it to a citizenry too savvy to fall for ratting themselves out.
I don't think people who would elect the miserable excuses for "leaders" they have are that on the ball. Which means we're dealing with sheeple who don't have guns in the first place, with the oblivious who don't know first
I don't think people who would elect the miserable excuses for "leaders" they have are that on the ball. Which means we're dealing with sheeple who don't have guns in the first place, with the oblivious who don't know first
I don't think people who would elect the miserable excuses for "leaders" they have are that on the ball. Which means we're dealing with sheeple who don't have guns in the first place, with the oblivious who don't know first thing about anything, semiauto owners who know their guns will be confiscated, and the ubiquitous DC criminals.
That third possibility, the semiauto owner--now that's a test case. Bring a cheap one in to register it and have the police impound it. Bingo, instant standing.
[Via Michael G]
That third possibility, the semiauto owner--now that's a test case. Bring a cheap one in to register it and have the police impound it. Bingo, instant standing.
[Via Michael G]