across the border in Pakistan's lawless tribal areas
From The Telegraph:
The biggest threat to the West is not al-Qa'eda, Afghanistan or Iran, but the country that, thanks to its laxity, has become the terrorists' chief hideout and breeding ground
It's the threat to world peace that dares not speak its name.
We hear plenty about the dangers posed to our security by al-Qa'eda, Afghanistan and Iran. But when it comes to talking about the country that arguably constitutes the greatest threat to our everyday wellbeing, Pakistan hardly ever seems to merit a mention.
This is rather surprising, given that if you talk to any of the military commanders or politicians responsible for prosecuting the war against Islamist terrorism, Pakistan is the country that is almost universally identified as constituting the most serious active threat to our national security.
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My Comment: As Homer Simpson would put it ..... Duh!!!!
The remnants of the Al Qaeda leadership are there. Jihadi internet forums talk to their followers that this is the place to go. And more important .... the mass majority of its people still support and/or are sympathetic to Bin Laden.
Pakistan and Saudi funded madrases in Pakistan that preach hate and jihad ..... this is where the threat against us is coming from.