Memphis Police Director Larry Godwin and the city of Memphis have filed a lawsuit to learn who operates a blog harshly critical of Godwin and his department.What, you mean this blog, Larry?
How dare they be critical of such a fine department! I mean, you yourself told us:
I don't view it as police corruption. I view it as rogue cops, because to me, if there is corruption, it goes all the way to the top.Whew! Thank goodness you're at the helm! And as we've proven time and again here, it really is a rarity!
To think that such a fine public servant as yourself has been troubled by criticism moves me in such a way that I'm compelled to man up, before I cause you any more pain.
It's me, Larry. I wrote the blog.
Just like I broke the dam.
Hopefully, now you can find closure.
And if anyone else would like to help him find even more closure, feel free to write him at with the subject line : Attn: Larry Godwin--I Wrote the Blog

[Via Brian F]