Via email:
My name is L. Neil Smith, and and I am a writer. I first joined the Libertarian Party during the first full year it existed, 1972. I am also the libertarian movement's foremost advocate of the right to own and carry weapons.
I am writing this because it's important that you understand that the national organization has been infiltrated and taken over by neoconservatives. There are reasons this happened, and they go back a long way, mostly to idiots and shapeshifters who wanted to broaden the appeal of the party by watering down what it stands for.
For more on this, see:
It's equally important that you understand that real libertarians are working to take their party back. This will require some time and effort, but it _will_ happen. So withhold your vote for Barr, just as you should for Obama and McCain. Libertarians have had a harsh wake-up call, but they are responding.