Seizing upon the controversy enveloping Mayor Richard Daley over Chicago gun violence and city policing, Gov. Rod Blagojevich said Wednesday he's holding discussions with his State Police and Illinois National Guard officials about any crime-fighting role they can play.What, you mean the ban on handguns (except for aldermen) isn't working? And the only way we can ensure peace and freedom is to take another step toward martial law?
But don't worry--this isn't (technically) a violation of posse comitatus. That only applies when they've been federalized. Never mind that they serve in a dual enlistment capacity as reservists.
At the risk of crying Katrina, let me just observe that the citizen militia as envisioned by the Founders--you know, that anachronism that's "necessary to the security of a free state"--is nowhere to be found in this mix, and that's by design.
Which means we will neither be secure nor free. But plenty of opportunities to ratchet up the controls will sure present themselves.
[Via Mack H and Brian F]