Police have stripped a New York City officer of his badge and gun after a video posted on YouTube showed him body-checking a bicyclist who was part of a Times Square demonstration.Here's the video. Sure looks like attempted murder to me. Why aren't there criminal charges?
Oh there were? But not against the surprise attacker "Only One"? Against the cyclist?
[A]ttempted assault in the third degree, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct...And looky here. The ape "lives at home with his father...a highly respected detective." Again with the word "respected." What is it with this part of the country?
And according to Pops:
"He's my son. I'm proud of him. He's third-generation that's been serving the city," said Pogan Sr..."These people are taking over the streets and impeding the flow of traffic. Then you gotta do what you gotta do"...So we're into the Third Age of Pogan and this particular family has been inflicting themselves on... I mean, "serving" the populace like this for three generations?
You know what would have gone down had this fortuitous video not been taken and made public. One can only wonder how many others have been and continue to be brutalized without witnesses or legal recourse--how many generations have been subjugated by those with a "gotta do" attitude, backed up with that "lift a finger" promise...
[Via SameNoKami, Dave Licht, Leo G, Andre D, did I miss anybody?]