Dear Revs. Jackson and Sharpton:
I am outraged by Comedy Central allowing Lewis Black to exploit the images of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X in their "Root of All Evil" program. To use their heads as shooting gallery targets, along with John and Bobby Kennedy, goes beyond poor taste. This is simply more of corporate America exploiting the very real pain and tragedy by laughing at martyrs who gave their lives in the struggle for racial justice and equality. There is no place among decent human beings for making a profit by making jokes out of the tragic and violent way these men died.
See the clip I'm referring to here:
It is titled "Preview: NRA Vs. PETA - The Case."
It's their right to make fun of the NRA, but if they're going to do it in such a way as this, it is our right to protest. I call on you to use your leadership to make those responsible realize the deep offensiveness of their actions. I'm sure you both realize the real pain surviving family members and devoted followers must feel to see the deaths of these historic men reduced to props for a cheap laugh.
David Codrea
