Russia’s New Nuclear Challenge To Europe -- Sunday Times
Russia is considering arming its Baltic fleet with nuclear warheads for the first time since the cold war, senior military sources warned last night.
The move, in response to American plans for a missile defence shield in Europe, would heighten tensions raised by the advance of Russian forces to within 20 miles of Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, yesterday.
Under the Russian plans, nuclear warheads could be supplied to submarines, cruisers and fighter bombers of the Baltic fleet based in Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave between the European Union countries of Poland and Lithuania. A senior military source in Moscow said the fleet had suffered from underfunding since the collapse of communism. “That will change now,” said the source.
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More News On Russia's Challenge To Europe
Putin Moves to Resurrect the Russian Navy -- American Thinker
In Ukraine, fear of being a resurgent Russia's next target -- International Herald Tribune
Fear of Russian 'protection' spreads to Ukraine and the Baltic -- The Guardian
As Russian Tanks Roll, Europe Reassesses -- New York Times
New Europe' shows resolve -- National Post
EU credibility is a casualty of this war -- Financial Times
Russia's War With Georgia May Revive U.S.-Europe Rift -- Bloomberg
Georgia crisis entrenches Europe & NATO splits -- Reuters
Europe's (dis)unity over russia -- Christian Science Monitor
Using energy to gain power -- Chicago Tribune
Georgia-Russia conflict shows EU's energy vulnerability -- Christian Science Monitor
Russia's Energy Card -- Globe And Mail
Kremlin 'Capitalism'Is a Threat to the West -- Wall Street Journal
Six days that broke one country - and reshaped the world order -- The Guardian
Georgia conflict: Moscow has blown away soft power -- The Telegraph
My Comment: While the focus is on Russia's military, it's real strength is in its oil and gas exports.
I am not concerned about the Russian military being a threat to Europe. While it can be effective against smaller states like Georgia, the Baltics, and Republics within the Russian Federation like Chechnya, it will be bogged down in any hypothetical war against the bigger powers like Ukraine, the Central Asian Republics, or Poland. While it may be victorious in such a conflict, the damage that it will cause will put Russia politically, economically, and militarily back for a decade or more.
Russia's strength is in its oil and gas exports. This is the Achilles heel of Europe .... and everyone knows that.