Loyalists Of Iraq's Sadr Sign Blood Oaths
To Continue Fighting -- Yahoo News/AFP
To Continue Fighting -- Yahoo News/AFP
BAGHDAD (AFP) - Dozens of Shiite radicals scrambled on Friday to sign blood oaths to continue their fight against US forces in Iraq despite an order from their leader Moqtada al-Sadr for them to lay down their arms.
Children as young as 10 were among those seen cutting their thumbs with scalpels and putting a bloodied fingerprint to a document circulated by members of the Sadr movement in the cleric's eastern Baghdad bastion of Sadr City.
All vowed to fight on, despite orders by Sadr on Thursday to his 60,000-strong Mahdi Army militia to suspend their armed operations indefinitely.
The order followed two six-month periods in which he had ordered his followers to hold their fire.
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My Comment: The dead-enders giving their last hurrah.