From Time Magazine:
Almost two years have passed since President George W. Bush publicly acknowledged the existence of a CIA program in which agency-leased aircraft fly terror suspects between secret prisons and interrogation sites around the world. "This program has helped us to take potential mass murderers off the streets before they have a chance to kill," the President said on Sept. 6, 2006. Since that admission, the White House has declined to elaborate or comment further on the program's specifics, although multiple reports have surfaced regarding the existence of secret facilities in Poland and Romania.
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More News On Diego Garcia Renditions
U.S. assures UK over secret flights, doubts persist -- Reuters
David Miliband 'duped' over US rendition -- Guardian
Time: U.S. used Diego Garcia as prison -- UPI
Diego Garcia Interrogations -- Swampland (Time Magazine)
MPs accuse Washington of lying over rendition flights -- Independent
My Comment: Using Diego Garcia as a transfer point for the 9/11 planners such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his associate, Abu Zubaydah, is not a surprise to me. Being caught in Pakistan, these mass murderers were going to be transfered out. Diego Garcia was the first logical choice for these men to be sent to.
Critics of U.S. policy on combating Al Qaeda are vocal in their opposition to using their territory to assist the U.S.. This is no surprise. What is a surprise is that it took them so long to figure out what I already figured out 5 years ago.