Barr wrapped up her post with a final message to Jolie: "Now go back to making your movies about women who love to handle big guns that shoot hundreds of people to death."
I've had my differences with Angelina Jolie's public statements before, but Roseanne Barr is quite simply a frothing leftist loon. Don't believe me? Spend one minute on her blog (Cynthia McKinney???). Sorry--I don't know a way to take your brain out and scrub it off after you do.
And while I don't generally appreciate Howard Stern's style of entertainment, I do think his observation on Roseanne-ex Tom Arnold is funny and right on.
It seems Roseanne accused Tom of all kinds of physical abuse during their tragic, doomed epic love...
Was it true?
Who knows what reality actually creeps into that squirming mind?
But it might explain that emcee gig...
And yeah, Tom--that was your only talent. Do you have a clue the contempt that arises when a nothing slug like you tells men like me you want the government to control our guns?
The deeper question: Why do we even know these people's names?