AARP: Still Anti After All These Years

Friday night when I was a guest on The Michael Dukes Show, a caller asked about AARP's stance on guns.

I had to admit I'd heard they'd adopted some anti-gun policies and that their executive leadership was trying to downplay that, but needed to do some checking around to be more specific. I promised Michael I'd get that info to him for next week's show.

Here it is:

Per AARP's THE PUBLIC POLICY AGENDA 2000, Chapter 12, "Personal and Legal Rights," pg. 12-21, "Federal Policy - Criminal Justice":
The federal government should continue to regulate the availability of handguns and semiautomatic and automatic weapons. Congress should eliminate the 1998 expiration date for the Brady bill's five-day waiting period and should leave in place the assault weapons ban.
OK, but that was eight years ago. What about now?

Apparently the heat induced them to tone down a tad, but not much.

From their 2008 POLICY AGENDA, pp. 12-33 to 12-34:
Congress should eliminate gaps in and strengthen enforcement of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act and other federal gun laws.

...States should: ...enact legislation to eliminate gaps in and strengthen enforcement of federal and state gun laws, particularly with regard to possession by juveniles, convicted domestic abusers and those under domestic violence restraining orders;
If you're of the age where these subversive coots are soliciting you, I hope you tell them to go to hell and why.

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