Any Excuse For A Party, Even The Grisliest One -- The Torch
It's almost time for THE BIG EVENT!
That's right, our Canadian media outlets are gearing up RIGHT NOW for a coverage blitz of this season's MOST IMPORTANT DATE! Columns have already been written, interviews have been done, background pieces are "in the can." What, you think I'm talking about the election?
I'm talking about the 100th Canadian death in Afghanistan.
I've confirmed with multiple sources in both the media and the military that organizations like the Toronto Star, the Globe & Mail, and the CBC are putting together pieces for a full-coverage extravaganza when the inevitable 100th Canadian death in Afghanistan occurs. I doubt that's a comprehensive list, as I'm confident CP, CanWest, and everyone else in the herd will surely follow suit.
CF personnel will do what they do so well - harden themselves, dig in, and soldier on. From an e-mail I received from an infrequent correspondent:
They are prepping for what might be a large spread on Afstan when/if we hit the 100th death. They see this number as a psychologically momentous event that will shift attitudes and operations in the CF.
They couldn't be more wrong.
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My Comment: I live in Montreal. The Quebec French media are far worse than the English media in their negative coverage of the Afghan war. One would get the impression that the afghan and coalition forces are thugs and murderers, and the Taliban are widely supported by the people. Nothing could be farther from the truth ....
The American media is biased in their coverage of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Canadian media .... now that is a piece of work.