Adverts which use sex to sell or promote gender stereotypes could be banned by the EU"Gender stereotypes" as defined by Jiang Qing/Elena Ceauşescu protege and ideological heiress (is adding the "ess" sexist?) Eva-Britt Svensson and her gang (gangette?) of humorless fascist harridan babes...
Here's how it works: We ban your freedom of expression under threat of armed government enforcement, and you believe we're removing a "straitjacket" that "restrict[s] individuals to predetermined and artificial roles that are often degrading, humiliating and dumbed down for both sexes."
Only then can we achieve "equality," not to mention a glorious future for the proletariat! Oh, sure, the commissars (and commissarettes!) will still have nubile mistresses in garters and underwire bras, but trust us--this is for your own good.
I shouldn't complain though--with the way Europe is going, I'm ready to hit the ground running with an EU-compliant ad campaign, like this one representing their fastest-growing demographic, Victorious Islam's Secret:
Only then can we achieve "equality," not to mention a glorious future for the proletariat! Oh, sure, the commissars (and commissarettes!) will still have nubile mistresses in garters and underwire bras, but trust us--this is for your own good.
I shouldn't complain though--with the way Europe is going, I'm ready to hit the ground running with an EU-compliant ad campaign, like this one representing their fastest-growing demographic, Victorious Islam's Secret:
I shouldn't complain though--with the way Europe is going, I'm ready to hit the ground running with an EU-compliant ad campaign, like this one representing their fastest-growing demographic, Victorious Islam's Secret:

You don't think it might be a little too racy, do you?
And lest we feel overly superior, we ain't all that far behind...

You don't think it might be a little too racy, do you?
And lest we feel overly superior, we ain't all that far behind...