Indian Police Accused Of Using Undue Force On
Terror Suspects -- Washington Post
Terror Suspects -- Washington Post
HYDERABAD, India -- A week after two bombs rocked an amusement park and a restaurant here in September 2007, plainclothes policemen barged into the home of Abdul Raheem, an auto-rickshaw driver. Throwing a black cloth over his face, they shoved him into their vehicle.
"I kept asking them if I had jumped a red light by mistake or parked my auto-rickshaw at the wrong spot. I had no idea they were picking me up for the bomb blasts," said Raheem, 27, a bearded man with a thick mop of oiled hair.
For three days, the police questioned him nonstop: Had he driven the bombers to the scene? Had he heard suspicious conversations among passenger? They beat him with straps made from truck tires, he said, and "tied my ankles . . . and gave me electric shocks all over my body."
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My Comment: But do their tactics work? The Washington Post article does not answer that.