Sacked Air Force Secretary: We Shoulda Sent Jets,
Troops to Fight Russia -- Danger Room
Troops to Fight Russia -- Danger Room
The former Secretary of the Air Force says he would've been willing to risk World War III, to take on Moscow.
When Russia invaded U.S. ally Georgia last month, American think-tankers and policy makers were quick to offer a whole range of ways that the U.S. could react. Some suggested standing pat. Others counseled diplomatic actions against Russia. The most extreme advisors proposed giving the Georgians Stinger missiles, or going after
Russia's oligarchs.
But Michael Wynne, recently-fired Air Force Secretary, says we should have gone a big step further in siding with Georgia. As in, a World War III-size step. published Wynne's editorial yesterday:
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Previous Danger Room Post: Ten More Reasons for the Air Force Purge
My Comment: This man deserved to be fired, his judgment is WAYYYY Off. The mess in the Caucasus has been ongoing for centuries, for us to get directly involved in a shooting war is both ridiculous and disastrous for everyone.