Putin Vows 'An Answer' To NATO Ships Near Georgia
-- Yahoo News/AP
-- Yahoo News/AP
MOSCOW - Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Russia will respond calmly to an increase in NATO ships in the Black Sea in the aftermath of the short war with Georgia, but promised that "there will be an answer."
Meanwhile, President Dmitry Medvedev sternly warned the West that it would lose more than Moscow would if it tried to punish Russia with sanctions over the war with Georgia.
Russia has repeatedly complained that NATO has too many warships in the Black Sea. Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said Tuesday that currently there are two U.S., one Polish, one Spanish and one German ship there.
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My Comment: Russian PM Putin is clearly confident about his position. He is not concerned nor worried on what the reaction from the West will be to his treatment of Georgia or what he is alluding he would do to Russia's neighbors. We are witness to a man who is supremely arrogant and comfortable in his role as ruler of Russia.