Today, the U.S. House of Representatives opted to pass Representative Childers' D.C. gun ban repeal instead of the anti-gun bill sponsored by Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton -- which would have allowed D.C. to continue enacting gun control.
The bill now goes to the Senate, but unless there is a ton of pressure put on Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), the bill will languish in committee...
Thankfully, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) is spearheading an effort to get a vote on the House-passed bill. She is asking her fellow Senators to cosponsor a letter which she will then deliver to Sen. Reid...
ACTION: Please contact your two Senators and ask them to cosign the Hutchison letter to Senator Reid.So contact your senators right now, because GOA is asking for this to happen by today.
[Via Carl S]<
ACTION: Please contact your two Senators and ask them to cosign the Hutchison letter to Senator Reid.So contact your senators right now, because GOA is asking for this to happen by today.
[Via Carl S]<
ACTION: Please contact your two Senators and ask them to cosign the Hutchison letter to Senator Reid.So contact your senators right now, because GOA is asking for this to happen by today.
[Via Carl S]
[Via Carl S]
Some analysts think Reid may also oppose bringing the issue to a vote at this time because it would force Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama to go on the record on a hot button issue weeks before the election.