'Terminator' Technologies Coming To Wondrous and Fearsome Life

'It shall be a goal of the US Armed Forces to achieve the fielding of unmanned, remotely controlled technology such that—by 2010, one-third of the aircraft in the operational deep strike force aircraft fleet are unmanned; and by 2015, one-third of the operational ground combat vehicles are unmanned.'

—National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001 H.R.4205, Sec. 220.

Automated Terminator Factory, from 'T2: Judgment Day'

From Digital Journal:

I've recently reported on the amazing developments taking place in the worlds of robotics and bionics.

But it wasn't until I stumbled across a LiveLeak video on a robot re-assembling itself after being knocked apart, and a year-old news report from the UK on the British satellite network SkyNet now being used to control airborne Reaper hunter-killers in Afghanistan and Iraq, that it all came together for me in one word.


That one word not only sums up one of the most successful film franchises in Hollywood history, but our worst fears and nightmares of being hunted down relentlessly and slaughtered by near-indestructible machines with only one mission: our extermination.

Could it become more than fiction?

Read more ....

My Comment: When it comes to weapon systems, the rule is always follow the money. When I read the above budget resolution for what should be the goals for the U.S. military, it spells everything out very clearly. The future U.S. military will be heavily dependent on unmanned weapon systems .... and soon.

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