[A]t the Distance of about two Miles, the Enemy began to canonade, but did Us no Damage, We approached half a Mile nearer and then landed without Opposition in a close deep Swamp which extends to very near the Fort, here we formed and marched in the best Order we could towards the Fort to Reconnoitre, Major Hobby of Waterbery’s with a Detachment flanked the left Wing, and was Something advanced before the main Body when he was attacked in crossing a deep Muddy Brook by a Party of Indians from whom he received a heavy Fire, but our Men pushing on they soon gave Way and left us the Ground; in this Rencountre we had a Serjeant, a Corporal & three Privates killed and one missing, Eight Privates wounded, three of which died the ensuing night, Major Hobby shot thro’ the Thigh, Capt. Mead thro’ the Shoulder & Lieut. Brown in the Hand, these Gentlemen are all out of Danger—Night coming on & the Swamp almost impassible we drew our Men together & cast up a small Intrenchment to defend Ourselves in Case of an Attack in the Night.
Saturday, September 20, 2008