Vanderboegh: Lies and Damn Lies (Without Statistics)

TO: Steve Richardson, Chairman, Gregg County Texas Democrat Party

re: Lies and damn lies (without statistics)

Dear Sir,

In a story on 5 September on the Cox newspaper wire, Jamaal O'Neal has a story entitled "Gun sales brisk ahead of election." In it a spokesman of your party, one Patrick Franklin, is quoted as saying "Republicans used the same tactic in 1992 when Bill Clinton ran for office. Barack Obama is not going to take people's gun rights away. That's not his intention. . . There's soon going to be a discussion in this country about automatic weapons. I think people would agree having an AK-47 on the streets is something that needs to be regulated."

Uh, if I might, let's fact check this amazing leap of lying legerdemain.

1. "Automatic weapons" also called "machine guns" (known to the ATF under the National Firearms Act as "Class III") are already tightly regulated, their possession without a license gets you thrown under the jail for ten years.

2. The "assault weapons" the limp-wristed Mr. Patrick is talking about are, in fact, Class I semi-automatic rifles, no different in function than a Remington semi-auto deer rifle.

3. With the passage of both the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, Bill Clinton was most certainly a gun-banner and Obama, with an even greater legislative majority will do the same, or worse. This despite the undeniable fact that gun control has been a losing political issue for your party ever since. How's that working out down there in Texas, eh?

It is not my fault that your party chose to vest its national leadership hopes in two of the most liberal mokes ever to come down the political pike, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Surely despite their words (and we gun owners have long ago ceased to pay attention to words in an election cycle, either yours or the ill-named "Republicans") they will once more deliver us gun control. It is in their liberal genes.

But to deny it in the press is mendacity to the nth degree.

Far better to shut up about it and hope the electoral sheep pay no notice, don't you think? So please thank Mr. Patrick for once again reminding us gun owners who pay attention to such things of the lying, gun banning Democrat party. Even cognitively dissonant gun owning Democrats ought to perk up at that.

Have a nice day.

Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126

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