Bus drivers seek better securityI'm sorry, I shouldn't be amused--I just read "pepper spray" and "By Linda Spice" and I think it set a tone for me.
If pepper spray falls short, union officials say, they’d consider guns
Yes, of course I believe bus drivers have a right to self defense--as do bus riders. But I hardly think spraying a powerful irritant in an enclosed bus is the brightest of ideas, particularly if there are any elderly or people with respiratory problems on board.
I actually hope they go with the guns--not only to give us another great example of hypocrisy in action, but I really would like to see someone make the argument that Milwaukee bus drivers are the "
I actually hope they go with the guns--not only to give us another great example of hypocrisy in action, but I really would like to see someone make the argument that Milwaukee bus drivers are the "
I actually hope they go with the guns--not only to give us another great example of hypocrisy in action, but I really would like to see someone make the argument that Milwaukee bus drivers are the "Only Ones" trained, competent and trustworthy enough to bear arms.
[Via Brian F]
[Via Brian F]