Friday, October 31, 2008 future of uavs Raytheon To Launch UAV From Submarine From Defense Tech: This article first appeared at Raytheon plans to launch a small unmanned air vehicle from a submerged U...
10:00 PM robert gates A New Arms Deal With Russia? U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Feb. 6 during a hearing on the 2009 budget re...
8:59 PM General David Petraeus What Is General Petraeus Doing? General David Petraeus (Photo from AP/The Age ) Former US Iraq Commander Petraeus Takes on Afghanistan -- Voice Of America The American gen...
8:00 PM Somalia Somali Peace Deal Impresses No One Government soldiers stand inside the former Supreme Court compound in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, December 29, 2006. SHABELLE MEDIA / R...
7:00 PM robert gates Defense Secretary Gates Last Major Policy Speech Gates on Satellites From Planes, and Nuke Policy -- DoDBuzz In what may be his last major policy speech before the next administration takes...
6:00 PM Iraq Iraqi Oil Police Look To Secure Iraq’s Critical Oil Infrastructure (File photo) ( AFP: Toby Melville ) From Operation Iraqi Freedom: Iraqi Oil Police look to secure Iraq’s critical oil infrastructure BAGHDAD...
5:00 PM u.s. military budget The Pentagon Budget In An Obama Administration -- A Commentary From The Wall Street Journal Barack Obama during his visit to a US military camp in Kuwait Photo: GETTY/AFP (taken from The Telegraph ) Will Obama Gut Defense? -- Wall ...
4:00 PM 25% Cut In U.S. Military Budget -- A Shape Of Things To Come? Whack DoD By 25 Percent: Dem. Barney Frank -- DoD Buzz So far most of the talk about the next Pentagon budget has been relatively optimistic...
3:00 PM lebanon A Commentary On Lebanon Image from Republica Update Lebanon's Enemy Within -- Commentary Magazine Israel is floating the idea of a non-aggression pact with Leba...
2:30 PM arms trade Financial Crisis Claims First Arms Deals Victim From Flight Global : In recent weeks, Israel and Australia have reportedly talked about delaying F-35 purchases in the wake of the global f...
2:00 PM internet The Internet Is 5,000 Days Old -- What Will The Next 5,000 Days Bring WNU Editor : The past weekend I came across this incredible video from one of my favorite blogs ( Ubiwar ). It is 20 minutes long, and it is...
1:45 PM Iraq A First Since The Start Of The War -- No U.S. Servicemen Killed In Combat In Baghdad For October, 2008 U.S. Army Spc. Edward Brodzinski provides security while other soldiers unearth a weapons cache in the rural region of Zoba, Iraq, on Oct. 4...
1:30 PM Iraq Iraq War News Updates -- October 31, 2008 U.S soldiers patrol in Baquba, Diyala province some 65 km (40 miles) northeast of Baghdad late October 31, 2008. REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic (IR...
1:00 PM piracy War At Sea: Piracy And The Rise Of Private Navies WNU Editor : This post was posted a week ago .... but it is still relevant today. From Pundita: This story is so 21st Century in so many way...
12:00 PM bombs The USA’s 30,000 Pound Bomb British 22,000lb. Grand Slam Bomb (Photo from Wikimedia ) MOPping Up: The USA’s 30,000 Pound Bomb -- Defense Industry Daily During the Secon...
11:30 AM congo U.N. Forces Collapsed During The Fighting In The Congo A UN armoured vehicle patrols the streets of Goma. Top European and US diplomats are heading to eastern Congo to try to avert a humanitarian...
11:30 AM congo Disaster In Congo's Refugee Camps A rebel from Laurent Nkunda's renegade movement talking to a civilian at a checkpoint near Kibumba on Friday. (Karel Prinsloo/The Associ...
11:00 AM Darfur The War Crime Of Rape In Darfur (Photo from We The Women ) Piercing The Silence -- Newsweek Few Darfuri women are willing to talk about being raped. One survivor explains w...
10:34 AM pakistan Another U.S. Strike On Al Qaeda In Pakistan A mid-level al Qaeda leader, identified as an Iraqi, was among up to 20 people killed on Friday in a U.S. missile strike in northwest Pakist...
10:30 AM canadian terrorism The Story Of A Canadian's Embrace Of Jihad Terrorist suspect Momin Khawaja, an Ottawa computer software programmer, arrives at the Ottawa courthouse Monday May 3, 2004 under Royal Can...
10:00 AM Medal of Honor Medal Of Honor Frauds (Click To Enlarge) Medals Of Honor (Image from Wikipedia ) Investigation Reveals Hundreds Of Unsupported Claims Regarding War Medals -- Hous...
9:45 AM Japan Japanese Air Force Chief Sacked USS Arizona Memorial Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Image from ) Japan Air Force Chief Faces Sack -- BBC News The head of the Japane...
9:30 AM india Islamists Suspected For Terrorist Attacks In Assam State Of India An ambulance and a fire engine are set on fire by an angry crowd at a blast site in Guwahati, the main city of India's troubled northeas...
9:15 AM syria Syrian Troops positioned On The Lebanese Border More Syrian Troops Deploy Along Lebanese Border -- Voice Of America Syria has reportedly deployed more troops along its border with Lebanon,...
8:59 AM Afghanistan US Cleaning Up Dirty Afghan Forces Afghan National Army soldiers stand for the audience and Afghan National Army officers attending the commemoration of the first birthday of ...
8:45 AM Medal of Honor Zumwalt-Class Destroyer Named After Medal of Honor Hero Photo courtesy of the U.S. Federal Government The Zumwalt class destroyer will be the most sophisticated warship in naval history. Navy To N...
By Unknown 8:44 AM Rest in Peace So state officials have been dragging their feet for 2 months, and negligently endangering the public, who can’t be expected to know there a...
8:30 AM u.s. nuclear weapons Nuke Missile Silo Fire Undetected For Five Days The W78 is the warhead for the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, shown here in silos undergoing maintenance checks by U.S. A...
By Unknown 8:29 AM Sunday Gun Talk Tom Gresham has invited me to be a guest on his radio program, Gun Talk , this Sunday during the 2:00 pm hour (EST). Tom, of course, is a n...
By Unknown 8:27 AM This is It From the Tom McClintock campaign, via email: Dear E-Team: Thanks to the outpouring of your support, we've been able to nearly match Nan...
By Unknown 8:09 AM That's a Lot of Green to Paint the Town Red With The city’s Department of Consumer Affairs reached a $500,000 settlement with retailer Party City Corp. Wednesday over the chain’s sale of il...
8:00 AM Commentary Education And Genocide -- A Commentary From The Belmont Club Magna Cum Laundry -- Belmont Club Undercover agent Larry Grathwohl discusses the Weather Underground’s post-revolution governing plans for t...
By Unknown 7:55 AM We're the Fauxnly Ones... A man impersonating a police officer pulled a gun on a Gillette woman Thursday morning after stopping her on State Highway 259 between Midwe...
By Unknown 7:44 AM We're the Only Ones Particularly Satisfied Enough It's a form of recycling that many local law enforcement agencies find particularly satisfying, because it ensures that those guns will ...
By Unknown 7:34 AM "But"-Watching in Twin Falls Ryan Horsley , manager of Red's Trading Post in Twin Falls, says sales of assault-type rifles, such as military-style AR-15s, have jump...
7:30 AM Afghanistan A New Era In U.S./ Afghan/Pakistan Cooperation Talks: Afghan tribal leaders listen to an opening speech at a two-day jirga that ended Tuesday. The delegates agreed to seek negotiations wi...
By Unknown 7:21 AM And There Was War in Heaven Mike Vanderboegh and Jeff Knox are squaring off. WRSA has posted all links to the discussion thus far. I'll have some comments as I f...
7:00 AM global hawk An Extra Set Of Eyes To Observe Iran's Naval Forces A Global Hawk maintenance team tows an unmanned Global Hawk aircraft at a theater in Southwest Asia. The aircraft has collected more than 96...
6:30 AM Afghanistan Millions Of Afghans May Face Famine This Winter (Click To Enlarge) (Photo from Medecins Sans Frontieres ) Call For Afghan 'Berlin Airlift' -- BBC News The international community h...
By Unknown 6:28 AM We're the Only Ones Mixed Up Enough The mixup on Tuesday started when a customer saw the clerk's arms raised and saw McQueen with a gun, and thought the store was being ro...
By Unknown 6:22 AM Be Vewy, Vewy Quiet--I'm Destwoying My Company---heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh... Rifle maker bounces boss who supports Obama We already knew that , of course, but it gives me an excuse to post this:
By Unknown 6:11 AM We're the Only Ones Docked Enough A Jacksonville police officer who punched a man during a possible road-rage fight in April won't face criminal charges, but he forfeited...
6:00 AM zimbabwe Zimbabwe Is Another Failed State In Africa The state of the hospital has become a metaphor for a country which is slowly dying from neglect Photo: AP Life And Death A Matter Of Cash...
By Unknown 5:43 AM Turn In Your Deer Rifle And Your 12-gauge Shotgun To The Texas Department Of Gun Control That is an order that will never be given by a Democratic government. Democrats will protect Americans’ Second Amendment right to own firear...
5:30 AM u.s. nuclear weapons An Aging Nuclear Weapons Stockpile (Image from Wikipedia ) From The Captain's Quarters: Glenn Reynolds linked a report that the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Jo...
By Unknown 5:25 AM Oh, Wow, Man, This Power Trip is AWESOME An initiative in Massachusetts to decriminalize the possession of an ounce of marijuana has stirred up some hypocritical public posturing on...
5:15 AM piracy Piracy On The West Coast Of Africa Now (Image from the BBC ) Cameroon Oil Vessel's Crew Seized -- BBC Armed pirates in speedboats have boarded an oil vessel and kidnapped 10 ...
By Unknown 5:11 AM A Cutting Edge Proposal Politicians in the city of Worcester, Massachusetts -- Wormtown, to those of us who attended college there and ruined our hearing listening ...
5:00 AM navy cross A Hero That We Will Probably Never Know Lt. Earned A Navy Cross He Can’t Wear -- Navy Times Somewhere out in the fleet, there’s a Navy medical officer who earned the Navy Cross dur...
By Unknown 4:47 AM We're the Only Ones Cheaper by the Dozen Enough Campus Cop Charged With Stealing Donuts Cop lifts $300 worth of pastries Does this arrogant, dim-witted " Only One " realize what ...