A Crisis in Worcester

But in the past 18 months, in this city of 176,000, bullets and bare knuckles have given way to 4- or 5- or 6-inch blades. The use of knives in crimes is up 9.5 percent to 231 instances, through Aug. 31, compared with the same period in 2007, while the use of guns in crimes fell 16.8 percent to 94 instances in the same period, according to Worcester police.
So now knives are the "weapons of choice"? It's tough keeping up--the choice keeps changing so much.

No matter. Disregarding for a moment all that Massachusetts knife control, and factoring in the inescapable conclusion that attacking people with knives is illegal, you have to ask yourself why, for all intents and purposes, possession of personal defense tools of choice is forbidden to We the People. Especially when the authorities disclose such detailed knowledge of predator armament and capabilities, and not a one of them takes responsibility for anyone's safety.

[Via John G]

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