70,000 Afghan Refugees Asked To Leave Bajaur
In Three Days -- The Daily Times
In Three Days -- The Daily Times
* 25 Taliban killed in operation
* Mamoond tribe to support forces
KHAR: The local administration has ordered Afghan refugees in Bajaur Agency to leave the area within three days.
There are an estimated 70,000 Afghan refugees in the agency. Authorities believe that elements among refugee population are supporting the Taliban.
Taliban killed: Also, troops backed by artillery killed 25 Taliban in the latest clashes in the agency, officials told AFP on Thursday.
Gun battles erupted overnight and continued until late on Thursday after militants attacked security checkposts in four villages in the restive region, a security official said.
Support for forces: Bajaur Agency’s Mamoond tribe formed a tribal lashker on Friday to support security forces against the Taliban.
Hundreds of tribesmen attended a jirga in the Khar Civil Colony, organised by tribal elders and announced their support of the security forces in their bid to expel the Taliban from the area.
Meanwhile, a Peroz Khel tribal lashker arrested at least 18 Taliban, including four suspected would-be suicide bombers, and seized two explosive-laden vehicles and four suicide jackets in Orakzai Agency on Thursday, APP reported. agencies/staff report
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My Comment: The Pakistanis are blaming the Afghan refugees in their country for most of the fighting in this province. This is going to be a humanitarian disaster. Winter is starting .... these people have nothing to survive with for the next few months.