From YNET News:
US and Egyptian soldiers pair up in recent weeks in a project to uncover Palestinian weapons' smuggling tunnels; 42 tunnels discovered in less than a month
American soldiers have teamed up with Egyptian troops in the Sinai in recent weeks for an operation designed to uncover Palestinian weapons' smuggling tunnels underneath the Philadelphi Route, along the Egypt-Gaza border.
The operation has already yielded important fruits: Thanks to new, secret American-developed technology, the US Army's Corps of Engineers uncovered 42 tunnels running between Egypt and Gaza in less than a month, an unprecedented number in such a time span.
The joint American-Egyptian initiative was agreed upon half a year ago, during Defense Minister Ehud Barak's visit to Egypt. American experts arrived in the region a few weeks ago, making an effort to keep a low profile by using civilian dress.
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My Comment: This reminds me of a story that I read last year explaining the effectiveness of U.S. soldiers in Iraq of uncovering prison escapes (via tunnels). Apparently the past two years there were no escapes done by underground tunnels. You would think that with thousands of prisoners .... with a lot of time on their hand .... there would be a number of escapes or escape attempts.
Apparently not.