Is The Russian Freelancer Talking? -- Westhawk
Last Thursday, the New York Times revealed that investigators from the International Atomic Energy Agency are seeking to debrief a Russian nuclear scientist who the IAEA suspects was hired by the Iranian government to help Iran fabricate nuclear weapons:
As part of the investigation, inspectors at the International Atomic Energy Agency are seeking information from the scientist, who they believe acted on his own as an adviser on experiments described in a lengthy document obtained by the agency, the officials said.
The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is under way, said that the document appeared authentic, without explaining why, but they made it clear that they did not think the scientist was working on behalf of the Russian government.
Still, it is the first time that the nuclear agency has suggested that Iran may have received help from a foreign weapons scientist in developing nuclear arms.
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My Comment: When there is smoke .... there is a fire. There is a lot of smoke on this case.