"If Norfolk doesn't begin to get it right, Danladi may wind up owning a yacht or a castle somewhere," he said. "At some point, the people of Norfolk are going to get tired of their tax money being thrown away because the police are violating a basic right," he added.Too bad the "public servants" don't have to pay out of their own pockets--that'd put a stop to it.
How telling that Councilman W. Randy Wright, who "has a concealed-weapons permit, has won awards for marksmanship and believes in gun rights...is appalled by anyone who walks around with a gun in a holster."
Or that "Barclay C. Winn, who is a hunter [and] believe[s] in the right to bear arms" doesn't "understand why somebody feels the need to strap a gun on his side..."
And they're not content to just contradict themselves--they need to throw out insults about the "wild, wild West" and "big, bad macho men," just so there's no mistaking the contempt they feel for their constituents. But my favorite attitude comes from funeral director(!) Paul R. Riddick, who thinks it's "ridiculous" for anyone who's not an "Only One" to openly carry, and stormed out in a fit of pique, hands on ears chanting "Lalala" rather than listen to citizens petition for recognition of their rights because "he didn't want to dignify the group by staying."
I'd say the dignity of the proceedings went up considerably after you were no longer there, obnoxious tyrant wannabe, but you're missing the point. You're not being asked to recognize rights, you're being told. You seem to have yourself confused with someone who's calling the shots in this, pun intended, and you're hardly showing the proper level of respect to those who are. And was that crack about Bob's Gun Shop an implied threat to chill future peaceful assembly for redress, or just another calculated insult against the character of VA gun owners?
Thes ingrates don't realize the citizens were doing them a favor.
VCDL is doing a hell of a job here, and are giving the rest of us a template to follow--if gun owners would just get off the dime and actually do something...
[Via Mack H]