Satellite images of the alleged nuclear plant before and after it was bombed by Israel
(Photo from The Daily Mail)
IAEA: Samples From Alleged Syria Nuke Site Justify
Further Probe -- Haaretz
Further Probe -- Haaretz
Freshly evaluated soil and air samples from a Syrian site bombed by Israel on suspicion it was a covert nuclear reactor provide enough evidence to push ahead with a United Nations probe, diplomats said Tuesday.
The findings are important after months of uncertainty about the status of the investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN nuclear watchdog.
Preliminary results regarding environmental samples collected from the site by an IAEA team and made public earlier this year were inconclusive and failed to yield proof of nuclear activity, adding weight to Syrian assertions that no trips beyond the initial IAEA visit in June were necessary. But the diplomats told The Associated Press that the IAEA's final evaluation, completed a few days ago, has the agency convinced it needs to press on with its investigation.
"The agency feels there is enough evidence there to warrant a follow-up" said one of the diplomats. He, and a colleague from another IAEA country demanded anonymity in exchange for divulging confidential information, which is not meant to be made public until the IAEA's meeting of its 35-nation board of governors next month.
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My Comment: The IAEA is slow .... but it is methodical until the country that they are investigating kicks them out.