REUTERS/Thaier al-Sudani (IRAQ)
Martyrs in Iraq -- Washington Times
Assyrian Christians are fleeing Iraq in record numbers, following a spate of recent bombing attacks and targeted killings of Christian families in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
Over the last month, 13 Assyrian Christians have been murdered in targeted killings in Mosul. A week ago, three Assyrian homes were fire-bombed. Al Jazeera reported last Monday that 15,000 Assyrian Christians have been driven out of Mosul in the last two weeks, some 2,500 families in all.
Failure to prevent the mass exodus of Christians from Iraq will lead to an Islamicized Iraq, a tragic legacy for the presidency of George W. Bush. This can only be averted by taking urgent steps aimed at "anchoring" the Assyrian Christian population in their historic homeland.
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My Comment: Ethnic cleansing .... all under the noses of U.S. soldiers. This is disgraceful.