U.S. To Block Israeli Attacks On Iran -- Toronto Star
JERUSALEM–The United States will not permit Israel to attack Iran's nuclear program as long as American troops are stationed in Iraq, an Israeli television report quoting unnamed diplomatic sources said today.
An Israeli official accompanying Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on a visit to Moscow declined to comment on the report. Olmert flew to Moscow to press Russia not to sell advanced missiles and weapons technology to Iran and Syria.
The report on Channel 10 said any strike against Iran would leave U.S. forces based in Iraq vulnerable to retaliation. Depending on who becomes the next U.S. president, troops could remain in Iraq less than two more years or indefinitely.
If elected, Barack Obama wants to remove U.S. combat troops within 16 months of taking office in January 2009. John McCain, a staunch supporter of the Iraq war, has refused to provide a timetable and says troops could remain there indefinitely.
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My Comment: There is no coherent political strategy for an attack on Iran. A new U.S. President will assume power in three and half months, and the Israeli Government is in turmoil.