Terrorist Financing: ‘They’ve Picked Up on Globalization Faster Than We Have’ -- CQ Politics
The increasingly fractured international map is easily exploited by terrorists, who merge their syndicates with criminal groups to globetrot without ever raising their heads above ground.
This merging and malleable network allows the free flow of currency, arms, people and drugs — anything the terrorists and criminal groups need — and proves the fallacy of national borders in an ever-shrinking world.
“They’ve picked up on globalization faster in some cases than we have,” said Frank Cilluffo, director of George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute.
A panel of counterterrorism experts, including former federal officials and a noted journalist, outlined the difficulties of targeting terrorist finances during a roundtable discussion Tuesday, in part because the subject has received short shrift in current policy discussions and presidential campaigns, Cilluffo said.
The changing nature of criminal and terrorist networks will require a more sophisticated, comprehensive, and nimble approach to halting terrorist financing than is being pursued today, the panelists agreed. This included a focus on financial intelligence, a comprehensive product-labeling and regulatory system to track the flow of commerce and finances, and an understanding of how terrorists have spread beyond their initial borders.
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My Comment: I guess terrorists do not hang around in their caves and do nothing. Instead ... their organizations are efficient, high tech, and extremely well organized.
This article is a must read for today.