Councilman W. Wilson Goode Jr. was unapologetic in City Council yesterday as he addressed a television investigation questioning the work habits of a top employee.And we all know that every time a white person displeases a black one, it must be racism at work.
Goode indirectly defended his aide, Latrice Bryant, who last week flashed handwritten signs in Council Chambers comparing a Fox29 news reporter to the Ku Klux Klan. Goode and Bryant are African American; Fox29 reporter Jeff Cole is white.
Could someone please tell us what this creature does to make her worth paying basically three times the last census-recorded median household income of Philadelphians in general, and almost 7 times what the average black citizen there receives?
$90K/year and vacations to Jamaica? And she's the one being discriminated against?
Y'know, if I'd been caught red-handed falsifying time cards for any of my past employers, they'd have been justified in canning me on the spot and putting my boxed belongings on the curb. I like the way this pampered parasite just throws back entitled attitude and cheapens the experience of every human casualty who was ever actually targeted by the Klan.
Get over yourself, lady. The reporter simply caught you demonstrating your unique brand of ethics, your level of impulse control, and your intelligence. Your offended posturing is an obscene insult to every victim of racist terror and your blame-shifting charges are offensive to every decent human being.
And oh, look--here's her boss's goon strong-arming an "Authorized Journalist."
Yeah, I'll be letting urban thugs dictate the extent of my rights...