A small software company trying to create a program to help gun dealers comply with federal regulations now believes that the government purposefully stalled and then swiped the technology to create a copycat program of its own.We briefly touched on this yesterday. Considering what we're dealing with, I'm still not sure why this would surprise anyone. I mean, the whole purpose of BATFU is to mess with people and their property...under threat of armed force.
It would be nice if those government watchdog "Authorized Journalists" outside of conservative media like WorldNetDaily would notice the continual outrages, but, after all, that's why they're authorized.
Looks like we'll have to work without them toward the day when thieves and murderers meet their just fate. Thing is, until that day comes, we've already been told--years ago-- about an electronic authorization system that would still allow for the culling of "prohibited persons" (yeah, I know), but completely eliminate any identifying information on purchases. In other words, it would not create one new requirement, but would actually eliminate any record of who bought what. And the damnedest thing is, it would work.
Not that anybody really cares enough to even give it a serious look...