Coast Guard Gets Expanded Budget for Fiscal 2009

Press Release From U.S. Department Of Defense:

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2008 – The Coast Guard received a large budget increase for fiscal 2009 as part of the Consolidated Security Disaster Assistance and Continuing Appropriations Act, a senior Coast Guard officer said last week.

“In our operating expenses account and appropriation, we were appropriated $43.6 million to enhance maritime safety, security, and stewardship,” Coast Guard Rear Adm. Keith Taylor, assistant commandant for resources and chief financial officer, said to online journalists during a teleconference Oct. 24.

Taylor said the money will allow the Coast Guard to hire about 500 new maritime inspectors, maritime investigators, and boat crew and boarding team members. The funding also will enhance the Coast Guard’s ability to manage rule-making projects and provide for training and support, he said.

“There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of maritime trade over the last 10 years, as well as the use of our maritime transportation system,” Taylor said. “This growth in this area will allow us to add capacity, to meet the requirements that we have, and begin to address the shortfalls that we have in this area.”

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