Barack Obama Plans Quick Transfer Of Guantanamo
Bay Suspects To US -- Times Online
Bay Suspects To US -- Times Online
Barack Obama will move swiftly to close Guantanamo Bay as soon as he takes office, his aides said yesterday, in a clear and early sign of how determined he is to break with President Bush.
Mr Obama is planning to ship dozens of terrorist suspects from the camp to face criminal trial in the US. It is a controversial move but one that demonstrates how abruptly he plans to change Washington in terms of policy, personnel and tone the moment he enters the Oval Office.
Mr Obama has said that he wants to hit the ground running, and, already, details of his ambitious agenda are becoming clear as he seeks to turn his back on the Bush era. He has vowed to start removing combat troops from Iraq immediately, although in recent weeks he has become more opaque about the speed of withdrawal.
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My Comment: I fail to see how these prisoners can be tried under current U.S. law. The burden or proof, evidence, witnesses .... I completely fail to see how some of these men can be tried by using our criminal justice system against them.
I know that more information will need to be released by a future Obama Justice Department on this matter .... but I fail to see how this can be done.