Big Problem: Pentagon Fails to Track Afghan
Small Arms -- The Danger Room
Small Arms -- The Danger Room
The Pentagon's Inspector General just released a report on the system for accounting for small arms supplied to the Afghan National Army -- and the findings are definitely not good. An assessment team traveled to Afghanistan in April to size up U.S.-led efforts to develop a logistics base for the country's military. What they found was troubling, to say the least:
Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A) had not issued implementing instructions or procedures governing the accountability, control and physical security of arms, ammunition and explosives the U.S. is supplying to ANSF [Afghan national security forces]. ... Moreover, the CSTC-A had not accurately recorded the serial numbers that were to be issued to ANSF and did not report these serial numbers to the DoD small arms serialization program.
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My Comment: People are asleep at the wheel.